In this day and age more than any other every wizard should be aware of the wizardric properties of our stationary breathren: the tree.
That which some refer to as the "Kentakma" is the ancient law we all uphold in which upon the eve of every new moon we put all of our belongings onto Orb's List to see if there are any local trees that are willing to pay us like twenty dollars for it!
Something of which all wizards are not aware is that this traditions is actuallyyyy a vital part of the tree's reproductive systems! It's with your spair socks, microwave ovens, and wii remotes that our forbidden forests keep growing!
It's by the decree of Grand Wizard Frizzick that no tree ever be held accountable for reporting their income to any governing body. All transactions with trees can be seen as "gifts between a person and an inanimate object" in all legal and magical proceedings.
And so of course it's through these legal loopholes that organizations like THE TERRIBLE ONES have been able to gain so much political ground in the recent centuries by committing unbelievable amounts of tax fraud by enlisting tree conspirators. Some wizards even go so far as to suggest the decree be overturned!
It will be left up to the reader as a wizard exercise to determine whether the tax codes enforced by the wizardric government are working towards the greater good, or merely reinforcing the status quo by perpetuating a system that only benefits trees.
The natural enemy of our stationary cousin are of course our mobile ones! It's the nature of all trees to conspire towards the destruction of all non-rooted lifestyles. It's for this reason that many wizards choose to eat meat regularly as an act of solidarity with the trees.
Should one desire to get on a tree's good side, slaughtering a living animal and then telling them about it later on Skype is a tried and true method. Trees also enjoy some Russian Opera, sunlight, and small dogs.
Trees are incredibly suspicious and are known to get irritable if they suspect you're only engaging with them so you can do freaky magical experiments on them, so it's best if you're honest about the freaky magical experiments you'd like to perform on them just right off the bat. More trees than you would expect are down to get freaky!